A guy learning bitcoin on the fly. Tracking earnings, miner performance, reviewing mining technology, exploring the bitcoin industry and news, and more.
Author Archives: Bitcoin Ranch Foreman

2021 C8 Corvette Order
In 2019 I put a deposit down on the newly announced mid-engine C8 Corvette. Now, February 2021 it is time to put my order in. Dealer...

Creality Ender5 “device not accepting address XX, error -32”
Recently my Creality Ender 5 stopped connecting to my Octoprint server. Octoprint would try to connect and give the message: Error: No...

Processing Sound of Hummingbirds
I have a fun little project that records hummingbird visits to my feeders. Each time a bird visits, I record temperature, barometric...

Modernizing Raspberry Pints
Raspberry Pints was one of the first projects I remember being inspired by when I got my first Raspberry Pi (RPi) in 2013. Got reinspired...

Bitcoin Mining Farm outline
Today I came across an ebay listing for 52 Antminer S5 miners for $23,500.00: 52x Bitmain Antminer S5 SHA-256 BTC Bitcoin Miner 1155GH/s...

More on Money
My description of my invention of money was of course fictional. However, it was probably not far from what really happened. One...

Bitmain AntMiner S2 Power Consumption
I wanted to know exactly how much power my miners were consuming, so I decided to measure. I purchased a Kill-a-Watt power meter. I...

Bitmain AntMiner S5 Power Consumption
Previously I analyzed the power consumption of one of my S2 bitcoin miners. Today I will look at the next generation of miner, the...

Helpful People
As I mentioned previously, the owners of the building, where my company leases our offices, are having lots of work done. One of...